General Project Structure

The Echo project mainly consists of two parts. The core libraries that is shared amongst all platforms, and the various back-end libraries that implement the interfaces to describe various platforms.


The core libraries expose the base interfaces that all platforms should implement, as well as the analysis algorithms that work on these models.

  • Echo.Core: The core package, containing base models and interfaces for graph-like structures and program code.
  • Echo.ControlFlow: The package providing models and algorithms for anything related to control flow analysis. This includes extracting control flow graphs from instruction streams, as well as serialization to blocks.
  • Echo.DataFlow: The package providing models and algorithms for anything related to data flow analyis. This includes extracting data flow graphs, symbolic values, program slicing and finding dependency instructions.
  • Echo.Concrete: The package providing base models for emulator packages. This includes the implementation of various concrete emulated values, as well as interfaces and base models for code emulators and interpreters.


Different platforms have different features and instruction sets. Therefore, for Echo to do analysis on code targeting such a platform, it needs to know certain properties about what the code looks like, and how a program evolves over time.

A platform typically implements at least the following interfaces from the core libraries:

  • Code model interfaces:
    • IInstructionSetArchitecture<TInstruction>: An interface representing an instruction set architecture (ISA) and is used to extract various kinds of information from a single instruction modelled by TInstruction.
    • IVariable: An interface describing a single variable.
  • Emulation interfaces:
    • IProgramState: An interface describing what the current state of a program at a given point in time might look like. This includes (global) variables, the stack and memory state.